We can help you: Proactive selling to stabilize your income


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Running a real estate business—and depending on the income from it---can feel out of your control. 

First, you wait for clients to be ready to buy or list.  And then you deal with challenging market conditions---from interest rates to inventory---which put you and your income at the mercy of the market.  

Real estate sales is typically a REACTIVE business: waiting for someone to be ready to buy a home, or waiting for someone to be ready to list.   That puts your income at the mercy of elements that are out of your control.    

The good news is that there are ways for you to be PROACTIVE in your business….and we have one.  

To overcome being dependent on resale inventory, you can focus on new construction homes---inventory you can rely on being available to sell---as a part of your business.  

With new construction, you know it’s available.  And you know whether it’s a great opportunity for a buyer.  Then all you need to do is to connect with prospects to find someone who likes it.  It is much more of a traditional product sales representative model:  Have a product.  Prospect for it. Market it to prospects.  Sell it.    

We want to help you to make more money this way.  Our goal is to give you---the buyer’s agent---resources to prospect for buyers, and sell predictable inventory.  Available on this site are:

  • Resources for you to share with your sphere and new prospects. We have a website, videos, renderings, past project photos, and currently we have a comparable home to show prospects. 

  • Media kits: materials for your use in your personal marketing to use Creston to prospect for buyers.   Customizable postcards, mailings, website content, and social media messages for use with your database. 

Proactive selling can’t solve every challenge of real estate sales, but it can be a part of the way you create income.  And we want to help you be successful doing it.